

As I promised, here is frist update ( or second :P ? ). I've used so far plasticard, pieces of wood and kind of garden plastic wire fenc. I used green stuff to make rivets/screws, but if I will find something more appropriete I will repleace gren stuff. This dozer thing look like if it were touching ground but its not. Hovever maybe I will make it a little shorter so truck could ride easily on rough terrain. That's it for now.


Space Hulk Enthusiast said...

Love it!
I wish I had the converting "gene" to do stuff like this.

Akozz said...

Thanks. Well convering is not that hard, especially orks, since orks vechicles are pieces of junk :P You just can't go wrong with them :D

itemrock said...

I wish to say that this post is awesome, nice written and include almost all important infos.


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